The Navy Hawkeye, US launching the facility of Navy’s shore-based EMALS (Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System). After a complete test, the readies are ready for launch. With the help of joint program of US and India technology, now India is looking forward to integrated the capability of EMAL for the purpose of future aircraft carriers.
The United State and India both are looking to support the expensive of the defense collaborations of all industries while formalizing the procedure set for protocol and engagements, also provide facilities for securing the technologies. This collaboration is set for transferring the technologies and their aspects.
In one statement, the India MoD (Ministry of defense) said on 18 July about the proposal that it is under discussion between US and India because they are the part of technology programs and joint military research that is generally called as Defence Technology or the Trade Initiative (DTTI).
Formalized procedure between two countries:
The engagement procedure between the two countries can be formalized with the help of proposed operating procedure. Furthermore, the MoD said about this announcement that the securities of technologies also become a part. While introducing as an Industrial Security annex and the guideline of DTTI.
The whole procedure of standard operating can be understood while following the requirements, in order to get a better response and demanded in the process of export licensing. The proposed procedure can easily enable the United State and India, just for expending the defense Industrial Collaboration areas.
However, the annex security toward all necessary response of the requirements of US, just for enhancing the military technology control, so the technology can be transfer easily to India. The excited Technology of the two countries can control the mechanism which was introduced in 2002. Generally, it is known as the protection of General Security Measurement of Classified Military Information (GSOMIA).
Introducing the co-development and co-production system:
Furthermore, the Mod accused of developing the 7th DDTI meeting in two countries for defense officials. Also, the Mod said, these meetings are specifically arranged with the aim to bring the opportunities for co-development or co-production. The meetings can be conducted in twice a year, so the aim can become possible.
Under the programme of DTTI, many commenting developments are conducted. Additionally, the Mod said about the joint working group of the initiative, for the collaboration on the technologies, which has a solid considerable progress, however, these are not so elaborated toward the considerable progress.The US Navy and the Indian Navy are engaged constructively, for the purpose of their joint working group. In order to explore the technologies of aircraft carriers, the projects of the land system can identify that where the scope of co-development and co-production of the technological systems.