Kuala Lumpur: The Government of Malaysia ban the Internet access for teenagers under the age of 17.
The internet is banned between the timing of 12 am to 6 am in Malaysia regularly. On Monday, 13 August 2018 the Deputy Health Minister Dr. Lee Boon Chye introduced a new law for the betterment of children.
Similar measurements in South Korea and Japan
Furthermore, the President said there are similar measurements in South Korea and Japan that are being studied by the government of Malaysia, just for taking help the curb teen addiction, such as social media, gaming applications and so on. Additionally, he added that the government is still studying in some aspects like measurements of decreasing the Internet addictions.
There is a gaming provider that targeted only under the age of 17, while providing access to gaming for some hours or during the school timings. Many steps are still in understudies just to control the game addicted children, so the situation can be under control.
Health and Morbidity Studies towards addicted children
Meanwhile, only Dr. Lee was responding to the questions of media and parliaments. During last year, Health and Morbidity Studies are conducted just for showing the percentage of addicted children. However, the Minister of Malaysia said 34.9 percentages showed that the children in Malaysia between the age of 13 to 17 are showing a prevalence toward the addicted children.
Dr. Lee added MCMC (Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission) showed the trendy internet usage results that is about 80% of users are using Internet facilities. Also, checks showed the average spending hours of daily use.
Game-addiction is a mental health illness
Probably, we can’t deny this fact that the internet has a negative impact on individuals, it’s just like being a part of humans habit. According to the latest updates, it is a conflict that the World Health Organization latest update shows the list of game-addicted children as a mental health illness.
The main reason for issuing this notice is, the government of Malaysia wants to save the health of their children because continuously using the internet can damage their eyes and affect their health.
Disadvantages of using Internet facilities:
It is a fact that the internet facility is quite beneficial for us, but on the other hand, it has many bad effects on children’s health. Here are some disadvantages:
The reason for doing the crime:
Those children who spend a lot of time on the internet are the reason of encounter trolls, stalkers or may be the reason for abusing people. With the high involvement of the Internet and social media platform, the instant cybercrime is a very common thing. Stalkers can easily find any personal information, because many of us prefer to share their personal information as well as pictures on the internet. The deep web is the hidden place that is considered as the place of crime.
Exploitations and violent images:
With the high speed of internet, it is so much easier to find the exploit people. Additionally, it is easy to find someone who convinces of exploits like the opposite gender or younger ones. Minors can easily proceed with the adult materials because there are many internet sites in which you may find the adult materials.
Cause addiction, distractions and time waster
Playing the game online is a wastage of time or the reason for addiction. Children leave their studies just for playing games and watching movies that create some distractions or wasting their precious time. Playing the game on the internet is quite an entertaining task but it is not good for the children’s health. It is easy to spend several hours without doing anything like watching movies, playing games and connected with social media. This ultimately causes distractions and also the reason of high addiction.
The reason for cheating, hacking and viruses:
Just because of the access to millions of computers, it is quite easy for hackers to hack your computer and information. The viruses also enter into your computer because of different computer access. However, many people around the world can hack any personal information and user accounts. Also, hackers can scan the computer identifications, quickly.
With the help of the internet, it’s easy to cheat in exams for students or else they find something else to write their reports, thesis or many writing assignments that are included in the irregular thing as well as crime.
Children addiction to internet
The addition of the internet is defined as spending an average consumption hour on internet media every day. Internet addiction may concern the media as well as the activities that can be practiced there like online games, gambling, pornography, shopping etc. The Internet is the support of the addiction.
The use of social networks could be similar to the use of the telephone or television. Children who spend a lot of time on the internet are not considered dependent, but still, practice the same activity on a social network like the addictive behavior.
Internet addiction that causes isolation and social withdrawal is not necessarily considered a disease in the common sense of the term, although you can treat it. But when a person becomes aware of his problem, it can be more easily treated.
Unlike an addiction to drugs or alcohol, the internet is also the addictive thing that is a double-edged sword. However, it can concern the media itself, as the activities that can be practiced, online games, gambling, pornography, shopping etc.
Young people are also strongly concerned with the dependence on social networks. According to the Ministry of Health, it reveals a very important social network dependence. Girls are 77% addicted to the internet that is less than the addition ratio in boys i.e., 95%. The borderline between addiction literally and simple abuse, which is relatively conventional among adolescents and young people.
Meanwhile, the internet addiction refers to a psychological disorder, causing excessive and obsessive need to use a computer and interfering in the daily life.