All you need to know the 10 interesting facts about Indian foods

Food is the compulsory aspects of life. Everyone loves to eat, some people prefer spicy food and the other one simple food. Food is something like everyone want to talk. There are many different food dishes, but the question arises how many of us, know interesting facts of Indian foods and recipes. For this purpose, there is some sort of 10 interesting facts about Indian food, which is important to know:

Land of spices:

You never found any country that has various kind of spices.

Today, India is rightly called the Land of Spices because of various kinds of spice production.

Indian cuisine:

There are staple ingredients of the Indian cuisine foods just like the tomato, potato, chili, which don’t have any kind of Indian origin.

However, theses cuisine was bought from other origin and they were specifically imported to India by the Portuguese.

Chicken Tikka Masala:

In India, the most famous dish is Chicken Tikka Masala, and everybody loves to eat. The interesting fact is it’s not an Indian Masala.

The first Tikka Masala was invented in Scotland. After that, it becomes so famous that every country exported this Masala for making Chicken Tikka.

India first USA restaurant:

In the USA, the first India restaurant was open in the 1960’s. It was the great opportunity for India to make history in the world of food.

Nowadays, around 80,000 Indian restaurants food are available in the UK and it is the great opportunity for India for making Indian restaurants famous.

The habit of food easting and serving:

Most of us are not fully aware of the eating habits of food. In the early civilization of India, there is an Indus Valley Civilization because the language has not introduced yet.

At that time, everybody used hand instead of spoons, knife, and forks for eating because of earliest eating habits.

6 flavors of food spices:

According to the food factory, there are six different flavor of food that is bitter, salty, sweet, sour, spicy or astringent.

In every meal, there is a perfect balance of food spicy, means these meals are not standing out with each other. So, it can easily judge about the Indian spice.

Chutneys…! Eating as a side dish:

Most of us really like Chutneys and Indian food is incomplete without chutney. Who doesn’t like eating chutney?

Almost every Indian love to eat this delicious side dish and without it, they feel incomplete. Meanwhile, the British also love Indian Chutneys.

Indian Mithais:

It’s more than important for everyone because it’s a part of celebrations and Indian cuisines.

For South Indian, Mithais is considered as the favorite dish, which can be served in different occasions.

Kashmiri cooking tradition:

It’s a strong influence of Central Asian. The best part of this traditional cooking is their techniques of boiling instead of deep fry.

Three classifications of food:

The Indian food is classified into three categories like Tamasic (liquor or Meat), Sattvic( juice and fresh vegetable) or Rajasic ( spicy food or oily).

Indian foodIndian masalaIndian restaurants

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